

Chinese speaking guide


This is Margarita. She is a guide for the city of Irkutsk and Lake Baikal. She graduated from a university in the city of Irkutsk with a degree in enterprise economics, during her studies at the university she really liked the Chinese language. For this reason, she went to Beijing for a year in China to continue studying the Chinese language.

A year in Beijing gave her the opportunity to become a tour guide and lead a group with Chinese. For her, this is not just work, but also the opportunity to learn new things from our guests, meet interesting people — a doctor from Shanghai, a bank employee from Xi’an, a government official in Beijing.

Together with her you will visit the most interesting places and sights of the city of Irkutsk, immerse yourself in the history of Siberia, and of course visit our main attraction, Lake Baikal, the blue pearl of Siberia. Interesting excursions, a warm welcome, beautiful photos and a lot of impressions, you definitely come to her!

尊贵的游客,您好!我是你们的俄罗斯导游。我叫 Margarita。是不是觉得我的俄罗斯名字特别长,特别难记住啊?你们如果知道有一种叫“玛格丽塔”的鸡尾酒,它跟我的名字是一摸一样的。你可以叫我“小花”,这是我的中文名字,一朵美丽的小花。



Contact Info

Phone : 8 (3952) 92-61-11

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